We are eternally grateful to Thomas and Geraldine Banketas who have given us our new home! Their generous donation has made it possible for us to continue our mission and provided flexibility to commit more of our resources to our various programs. A special thank you to all the volunteers who worked hard to move all of our cats and furnishings! Also, in the spring, we had our first dinner, auction fundraiser that raised over $4000.00 for our Foundation! Then in the early part of August we had our first rummage sale at our building parking lot, with over $1,000 raised! Another first, we had a fun Paint n sip party in our new building. Many people have donated to our Foundation and we would like to thank each and every one of them for thinking about us! We rely on your continuing support in order to reduce the stray animal population in our community, as well as care for the sick and injured while finding them good homes; so please consider donating to the Hancock County Humane Foundation! The Foundation is operated entirely by donations and volunteer labor. The medical and operating expenses for the Foundation can total over $7,000 per month. Assuch, the Foundation is in critical need of donations in order to continue savingas many lives as possible. Please help us save more lives. Make a donation to celebrate or honor a loved one's life (person or pet). make a tax-deductiblecontribution today. Thank You for your support.
When you click the link below, you can see our amazon wishlist for items we could use for the cats in our care. thank you for your support.
When you click the link below, you can see our chewy wishlist for items we could use for the cats in our care. thank you for your support.
When you click on the link below, you will be able to donate using your credit card to the Hancock County Humane Foundation. Since we are Strictly a volunteer non-profit organization, and not receiving any funding from thecounty, state, or federal government. We rely on charity events and donations from compassionate people like yourself.
Helping homeless Cats and The Hancock County Humane Foundation care for them is as Easy as shopping at Kroger. Simply have your Kroger Plus card or keychain tag handy and Click on the link below. Create a new account or sign into your existing account. Then Search and select “The Hancock County Humane Foundation” as your charity of choice. Every time you shop and use your card, Kroger automatically donates a portion of your Total purchase to HCHF. Every donation provides a better life to all cats.
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